Great ape interaction: Ladyginian but not Gricean (2023)Talk for the CogIST series about my research on the cognitive science of great ape interaction. Focused on this paper specifically (1 hr).Expression unleashed (2022)Conversation on the Because Language podcast about the open-ended nature of human expression.Languages & the Necker Cube (2021)Essay for Inference Magazine. Has the mind adapted to language, or does language adapt to the mind?Standing up for fairer publishing practices needn’t hinder your career (2021)Short essay for Jisc about the Cost Of Knowledge petition, and how to reform academic publishing.The Dissenter (2020)Youtube interview about my research (1 hr).Carne Esperta (‘Smart Meat’) (2020)Youtube interview with an ‘AI journalist’ about human intelligence (20 mins).How communication makes us human (2019)Presentation at TEDxCEU, where I dance the lindy hop and talk about human communication (20 mins).Of gods & platypuses: Is there a science of culture? (2018)Short piece in Scientific American arguing that a natural science of culture should be similar to the science of epidemiology.More than words (2016)Essay for Aeon magazine about art and the diversity of human expression.Infections of the mind: Why anti-vaxxers just ‘know’ they’re right (2015)Short essay for The Conversation about why anti-vaccination arguments are so intuitively appealing.What is art? A pragmatic perspective (2015)Short essay in Think about the nature of art.