2024 Summer School

The human mind & the open society

In July 2024 I will lead a two-week summer school on how understanding the human mind can inform our understanding and advocacy of open society, and the ideals it represents. The school will take place in Budapest, as part of Central European University’s Summer University.

Application deadline is February 14, 2024.

Our main target audience is PhD students and researchers in their first postdoctoral appointment. Exceptionally, we will consider MA and advanced BA students who have relevant prior experience and make a compelling case in their letter of motivation. If you have any questions about your suitability, feel free to get in touch!

We will focus on four key ideals of open society. We will survey research on the cognitive and evolutionary basis of each; and explore some potential policy implications of this new understanding. Specifically, we shall focus on: Political thinking & inequality, Moral cognition & the rule of law, Trust, deliberation & the public sphere, Cooperation at micro & macro scales. Full details here, including our outstanding guest faculty.